[影片簡介]: 纳粹余孽;邪恶教主;退休的探员。为了得到那把所谓上帝的权杖,不惜大开杀戒,残杀无辜!最终同归于尽……这正是-天作孽犹可恕;自作孽不可活!!!
There's a mystical artifact known as 'The Sper of Fantasy' which is desperately desired by a Nazi cult led by an ex-SS officer Oppenheimer (Peter Rands) who will stop at nothing, killing everyone who stands in their way. Their intention is to use the Spear to bring the Third Reich back into the world.
Oppenheimer is joined in his quest by an animal rights campaigner (Dean Mather), who takes his love on them way too far. And then there is Loin (Shane Mather) who is hiding the spear and is looking to use it to obliterate all political correctness.
I can't believe this hasn't already been uploaded here, this movie is just about every Cinemagedders wet dream. It features an unbelievable amount of over the top gore, an incredibly over the top rape scene, and bad things happening to kitty cats.